the founder, mom, and licensed therapist behind Joywell, with a passion for coaching and supporting mamas navigating pregnancy, postpartum, and beyond. 

Your Family is Your #1 Priority. Joywell's is Your Well-being.

Being a human is hard. But being a woman who's trying to conceive, birth, and raise little humans!? That’s next-level.

As a licensed reproductive and maternal mental health specialist (and mom of three!), I know how crucial it is to have someone to support you on this journey. But my own journey to get here wasn’t a straight shot.


After going through graduate school while caring for my sick mom, meeting my partner and marrying him, then finishing up my licensure requirements while growing my young family, the field of maternal mental health stole my heart and filled me with passion.

 While it took a few years to get started, the events of those years are what built the Joywell that serves you today. Beyond educational and clinical experience, those years held space for friends with infertility, navigating a brush with an infertility diagnosis myself, and (thanks to 2020) hosting virtual pregnant and postpartum mom support groups.

Through all those experiences, I dedicated myself and my approach to breaking out of the traditional psychotherapy concepts and, instead, honoring women as they are.

Those years taught me that, as women and mothers, we need an approach to mental well-being that incorporates our whole selves – not a mere fraction of them. And that’s what Joywell is all about.

We know you’re more than a mom or a woman trying to conceive—more than a diagnosis. You’re more than enough. And I'm here to remind you of that.


High-Touch, High Impact.

My mission is to help moms and moms-to-be overcome their feelings of anxiety, overwhelm, stress, and self-doubt through custom action plans built around existing strengths. I believe a treatment plan should be uniquely yours and that therapy, or coaching, isn’t a forever process. You deserve to have your story, which means making the space to pursue your passions, maintain your sense of self, set healthy boundaries, thrive, AND model well-being for yourself and your current (or future) kids.

The years spent building a family can be some of your hardest. I aim to make those, and the years that follow, your most joyful.


"Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway."

 ~Mother Theresa

I'm all about

Empowering mamas with the knowledge and tools they need to embrace motherhood without losing themselves. 

I'm not about

Giving mamas more things to do, things to buy, or just pushing through the hard times because that's all they know. 


The perfect



  • You are on your fertility journey, and you'd love an expert to help you navigate the mental & emotional rollercoaster of it all.
  • You are a first-time mama-to-be, and you have no idea what to expect, but you know you already feel overwhelmed and would love real coaching on how to best prepare to create a wonderful postpartum experience.
  • This is not your first rodeo, but you know you want things to be better this time around.
  • If you are a mama for the first, second, or third time, you are already feeling that you are at max capacity, and you would love for an expert to come in and handle all the prep while guiding you to better mental-wellbeing.

Here's how I can help

Imagine drastically reducing the stress and overwhelm that comes with the transition of becoming a mother or a mother to two or three. This is what I do. I help you put tools and support in place so that you can live joyfully in the moment while growing your family.


5 Things You Can Do Right Now To Have A Better 4th Trimester

f you think those first few months with your new baby are going to feel like you are being tortured with information while using the very effective methods of sleep deprivation, drastic mood swings, and ultimately losing yourself... don't. There are real, tangible, practical things you can do right now to feel well taken care of, lower stress, and feel present